Auteur Topic: Digitale publicatie over het geslacht Erythronium door Ian Young  (gelezen 4061 keer)


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Digitale publicatie over het geslacht Erythronium door Ian Young
« Gepost op: 30 januari 2015, 15:53:33 »
In week 2 of this year's Bulb Log,
Ian Young published the first chapter of his (free) online  book – “ERYTHRONIUM IN CULTIVATION”

He will continue this project through this year, publishing chapters, in no particular order,when he has them ready.
The Chapters he plans are:
-Seeds - Bulbs - Flowers - Leaves - Growing in containers - Growing in the garden - Species;individual chapters on each of the following species of Erythronium :dens canis, caucasicum, sibiricum, japonicum, americanum, albidum, revolutum, oregonum, tuolumnense, grandiflorum, montanum, californicum, hendersonii, helenae, howelleii, citrinum, klamanthense, purpurascens, pluriflorum, sp nova, multiscapoideum, taylorii, elegans - Hybrids.

All that Ian writes is from his own experience and this book will be the same so he can only
write about the plants that he has grown.
Like the Bulb Log it will be fully illustrated and he will try to detail everything with clear photographs.
Once he has published all the chapters he  will then combine them into a single PDF which can be downloaded.

One of the advantages of doing it this way is that Ian can continually add to and modify the chapters with new material before he combines them into the single PDF and even further he can add to or amend that in future years.
You can all also take part by offering suggestionsor making comments –all comments good or bad will be helpful
to me as Ian tries to make this work as complete and helpful as he can.
We hope you enjoy the first chapter on Seeds, please do give him feed back -

 Link to all Bulb Logs :
« Laatst bewerkt op: 30 januari 2015, 17:37:22 door Luc Gilgemyn »
Aberdeen, North East Scotland, UK.


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    • Scottish Rock Garden Club
Re: Digitale publicatie over het geslacht Erythronium door Ian Young
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 10 maart 2017, 22:15:27 »
Ian Young has combined and refined all the various chapters on Erythronium cultivation from his weekly Bulb Logs into an online  "book" which is free for anyone to download  to read at leisure - or even print out if you wish.
 Ian Young's e-book - Erythroniums in Cultivation -  in pdf form - 278 pages in full colour - free download via this link :

Aberdeen, North East Scotland, UK.

Luc Gilgemyn

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Re: Digitale publicatie over het geslacht Erythronium door Ian Young
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 10 maart 2017, 23:06:36 »
I downloaded this fabulous book this afternoon and had a quick look through it... One reaction predominates :  ((13 ((13 ((13

Good grief, to do all this research and write 278 pages full of top class photos about this genus is a tremendous achievement.   But to offer it to the plantloving world for free is blowing me away.  My already vast respect for Ian has again grown tremendously. Truly wonderful Job Maggi, do thank Ian for it.

Ik heb dit fabuleuze boek deze namiddag al gedownload en ben er eens snel doorheen gegaan.  Eén reactie overheerst :  ((13 ((13 ((13

Goeie grutjes, zoveel research doen om dat dan neer te schrijven in 278 pagina's, opgeluisterd met massa's topfoto's is een geweldige prestatie.  Dat je het dan nog gratis aanbiedt aan de wereld van de plantenliefhebbers blaast mij al helemaal omver.  Mijn reeds aanzienlijk respect voor Ian is er alleen nog maar gigantisch door gegroeid.  Het is een fantastisch werk Maggi, breng aub onze dank over aan Ian !

Lily-Anne Vereecken

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Re: Digitale publicatie over het geslacht Erythronium door Ian Young
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 11 maart 2017, 19:22:24 »
 Many thanks Ian for this masterpiece. worth a real book