Vlaamse Rotsplanten Vereniging

Algemeen => Boeken en publicaties over onze hobby: oud en nieuw => Topic gestart door: Luc Gilgemyn op 27 december 2013, 11:10:30

Titel: Pulsatilla boek - Chris Grey-Wilson
Bericht door: Luc Gilgemyn op 27 december 2013, 11:10:30
Het lang verwachte boek over het geslacht Pulsatilla door Christopher Grey-Wilson komt er nu toch - hij zal het in eigen beheer uitgeven, nadat de uitgave door de AGS werd afgevoerd.
Voor de Pulsatilla liefhebbers een buitenkans om toch aan dit naslagwerk te komen !
Hieronder vindt u de tekst hieromtrent die ons door de auteur werd bezorgd.

The Genus Pulsatilla
A Guide for Gardeners, Horticulturists and Botanists

Christopher Grey-Wilson

Closely related to the anemones, pulsatillas or pasque-flowers are amongst the most exquisite of all mountain plants and an essential element in any alpine garden. This is the first book devoted to these charming and eagerly sought plants. The work is not only a survey of the genus and the identification of the various species but it also examines, in detail, their cultivation and place in the garden. All this is aided by sumptuous photographs of the species in the wild and in cult-ivation.

Christopher Grey-Wilson has recently retired as Editor of the Alpine Garden Society after twenty-one years. Before that, from 1968-1989, he was a Principal Scientific Officer at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. He has travelled widely in the mountains of Europe and Asia, in particular, and as has written many books and articles over the years; Clematis, Cyclamen, Dionysia, as well as guides to European alpine plants, Mediterranean flowers, the flowers of western China and poppies. He was awarded a VMH by the Royal Horticultural Society in 2007 for ‘outstanding  service to horticulture’.

This book is a limited edition restricted to just 300 copies. Each copy will be numbered and signed by the author.

Book details:
Type: Hardback Cased - Facepaper
Size: 340 x 270 mm portrait
Pages: 216
Colour plates: 278
Maps: 2
Publication date: 15 January 2014
ISBN: 978-0-900048-76-6

Price per copy: £36.00

Post & packing per copy:
Special rates possible for orders of 3 copies or more
UK: add £3.50
EU Airmail: add £5.00
Elsewhere surface mail: add £6.50

Please email details of orders giving your name, address and payment method
Email: c.grey-wilson@talk21.com

Payment details:
Cheques made payable to Dr C. Grey-Wilson, Red Lion Barn,
East Church Street, Kenninghall, Norfolk, NR16 2EP, UK.

Direct payments
Bank Sort Code 40-15-22; Account Number: 31817876

EU and elsewhere
IBAN (International Bank Account Number) GB57MIDL40152231817876
Swift Code/BIC: MIDLGB22

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